自动完成 Autocomplete
徽章 Badge
底部操作表 Bottom Sheet
按钮 Button
开关按钮 Button toggle
卡片 Card
检查框 Checkbox
纸片 Chips
日期选择器 Datepicker
对话框 Dialog
分割器 Divider
可展开面板 Expansion Panel
表单字段 Form field
网格列表 Grid list
图标 Icon
输入框 Input
列表 List
菜单 Menu
分页器 Paginator
进度条 Progress bar
进度圈 Progress spinner
单选按钮 Radio button
涟漪 Ripples
选择框 Select
侧边栏 Sidenav
滑块开关 Slide toggle
滑杆 Slider
快餐栏 Snackbar
排序头 Sort header
步进器 Stepper
表格 Table
选项卡 Tabs
工具栏 Toolbar
工具提示 Tooltip
树 Tree
Date range picker comparison ranges
Date range picker forms integration
Selected range: { "start": null, "end": null }
Basic date range picker
Date range picker with custom a selection strategy
Datepicker action buttons
Datepicker open method
Datepicker palette colors
Datepicker with custom calendar header
Datepicker with custom icon
Datepicker with custom date classes
Disabled datepicker
Datepicker input and change events
Datepicker with filter validation
Datepicker with custom formats
Testing with MatDatepickerInputHarness
This example contains tests. Open in Stackblitz to run the tests.
Datepicker with different locale
Datepicker with min & max validation
Datepicker that uses Moment.js dates
Basic datepicker
Datepicker start date
Datepicker touch UI
Datepicker selected value
Datepicker emulating a Year and month picker