选项卡 Tabs

tabs 概览

Angular Material 的选项卡(tabs)把内容拆分成几个视图,而同一时刻只有一个视图可见。 每个选项卡(tab)的标签都显示在其头部,而激活选项卡的标签通过一个带动画效果的墨水条(ink bar)标记出来。 当选项卡标签的列表超出了标题的宽度时,就会出现一个分页器,让用户可以向左或向右滚动这些标签。

Angular Material tabs organize content into separate views where only one view can be visible at a time. Each tab's label is shown in the tab header and the active tab's label is designated with the animated ink bar. When the list of tab labels exceeds the width of the header, pagination controls appear to let the user scroll left and right across the labels.

可以通过输入属性 selectedIndex 来设置激活选项卡,也可以由用户在标题中选取一个选项卡的标签来设置。

The active tab may be set using the selectedIndex input or when the user selects one of the tab labels in the header.

Basic use of the tab group
Content 1

当激活选项卡发生变化时,会发出一个事件 selectedTabChange

The selectedTabChange output event is emitted when the active tab changes.

当用户(通常是用键盘导航的方式)把焦点移到头中的任何一个选项卡的标签上时,就会发出一个 focusChange 事件。

The focusChange output event is emitted when the user puts focus on any of the tab labels in the header, usually through keyboard navigation.

如果选项卡的标签是纯文本,那么可以使用简单的选项卡组(tab-group) API。

If a tab's label is only text then the simple tab-group API can be used.

  <mat-tab label="First"> Content 1 </mat-tab>
  <mat-tab label="Second"> Content 2 </mat-tab>
  <mat-tab label="Third"> Content 3 </mat-tab>

对于更复杂的标签,可以在 mat-tab 中用 mat-tab-label 指令来添加一个模板。

For more complex labels, add a template with the mat-tab-label directive inside the mat-tab.

<ng-template mat-tab-label>
  <mat-icon class="example-tab-icon">thumb_up</mat-icon>

默认情况下,选项卡组不会把自己的高度调整为当前激活选项卡的高度。如果要改成自动调整的,请把输入属性 dynamicHeight 设置为 true。 选项卡的卡体会以动画形式把它的高度调整成激活页的高度。

By default, the tab group will not change its height to the height of the currently active tab. To change this, set the dynamicHeight input to true. The tab body will animate its height according to the height of the active tab.

<mat-tab-group dynamicHeight>

<mat-tab-group> 用于在单个路由中切换视图,而 <nav mat-tab-nav-bar> 提供了一种标签式的 UI,用于在路由之间进行导航。

While <mat-tab-group> is used to switch between views within a single route, <nav mat-tab-nav-bar> provides a tab-like UI for navigating between routes.

<nav mat-tab-nav-bar [backgroundColor]="background">
  <a mat-tab-link *ngFor="let link of links"
     (click)="activeLink = link"
     [active]="activeLink == link"> {{link}} </a>
  <a mat-tab-link disabled>Disabled Link</a>

tab-nav-bar 没有绑死到任何特定的路由器,它只和标准的 <a> 元素协同工作,并使用 active 属性来判断哪个选项卡是激活的。 其对应的 <router-outlet> 可以放在视图中的任何位置。

The tab-nav-bar is not tied to any particular router; it works with normal <a> elements and uses the active property to determine which tab is currently active. The corresponding <router-outlet> can be placed anywhere in the view.

默认情况下,选项卡的内容是立即加载的。立即加载的选项卡会初始化其子组件,但在该选项卡激活之前不会把它插入到 DOM 中。

By default, the tab contents are eagerly loaded. Eagerly loaded tabs will initalize the child components but not inject them into the DOM until the tab is activated.

如果该选项卡包含一些复杂的子组件,或者该选项卡的内容在初始化期间依赖于对 DOM 的某些计算,则建议惰性加载该选项卡的内容。

If the tab contains several complex child components or the tab's contents rely on DOM calculations during initialization, it is advised to lazy load the tab's content.

通过在 ng-template 上使用 matTabContent 属性来声明卡体,可以惰性加载选项卡的内容。

Tab contents can be lazy loaded by declaring the body in a ng-template with the matTabContent attribute.

<mat-tab label="First">
  <ng-template matTabContent>
    Content 1 - Loaded: {{getTimeLoaded(1) | date:'medium'}}

如果要把选项卡标签对齐到中间或容器的两端,你还可以使用 [mat-align-tabs] 属性。

If you want to align the tab labels in the center or towards the end of the container, you can do so using the [mat-align-tabs] attribute.

<mat-tab-group mat-align-tabs="start">

你可以通过输入参数 animationDuration 来控制选项卡动画的持续时间。如果想完全禁用动画,你可以把该属性设置为 0ms。这个持续时间可以通过注入 MAT_TABS_CONFIG 令牌来进行全局配置。

You can control the duration of the tabs' animation using the animationDuration input. If you want to disable the animation completely, you can do so by setting the properties to 0ms. The duration can be configured globally using the MAT_TABS_CONFIG injection token.

<mat-tab-group animationDuration="2000ms">

<mat-tab-group><mat-nav-tab-bar> 使用不同的交互模式。 <mat-tab-group> 组件会把 tablisttabtabpanel 合成一个带有相应键盘快捷键的组件。而 <mat-nav-tab-bar> 会以带锚点的 <nav> 元素作为页标签来使用导航交互模式。这两种模式之间的差异来自于后者要更新页面 URL,而前者不用。

<mat-tab-group> and <mat-nav-tab-bar> use different interaction patterns. The <mat-tab-group> component combines tablist, tab, and tabpanel into a single component with the appropriate keyboard shortcuts. The <mat-nav-tab-bar>, however, use a navigation interaction pattern by using a <nav> element with anchor elements as the "tabs". The difference between these two patterns comes from the fact one updates the page URL while the other does not.

没有文本或标签的选项卡应该通过 aria-labelaria-labelledby 属性给出一个有意义的标签。 对于 MatTabNav 来说,其 <nav> 元素也同样要有标签。

Tabs without text or labels should be given a meaningful label via aria-label or aria-labelledby. For MatTabNav, the <nav> element should have a label as well.







Move focus to previous tab



Move focus to next tab



Move focus to first tab



Move focus to last tab




Switch to focused tab