滑块开关 Slide toggle

slide-toggle 概览

<mat-slide-toggle> 是一个可通过点击进行切换的开关控件。

<mat-slide-toggle> is an on/off control that can be toggled via clicking.

Basic slide-toggles

滑块开关的行为和检查框一样,不过它不像 <mat-checkbox> 那样支持 indeterminate 状态。

The slide-toggle behaves similarly to a checkbox, though it does not support an indeterminate state like <mat-checkbox>.

注意:本组件的滑块行为要求当前页面曾加载过 HammerJS 库。

Note: the sliding behavior for this component requires that HammerJS is loaded on the page.

滑块开关的标签是作为 <mat-slide-toggle> 的内容来提供的。

The slide-toggle label is provided as the content to the <mat-slide-toggle> element.

如果你不希望该标签出现在滑块开关的紧后方,可以使用 aria-labelaria-labelledby 来指定一个合适的标签。

If you don't want the label to appear next to the slide-toggle, you can use aria-label or aria-labelledby to specify an appropriate label.

<mat-slide-toggle>@angular/forms 兼容,并支持 FormsModuleReactiveFormsModule

<mat-slide-toggle> is compatible with @angular/forms and supports both FormsModule and ReactiveFormsModule.

<mat-slide-toggle> 的颜色可以通过 color 属性进行修改。默认情况下,滑块开关使用主题的 accent(强调)色。 可以把它修改为 'primary''warn'

The color of a <mat-slide-toggle> can be changed by using the color property. By default, slide-toggles use the theme's accent color. This can be changed to 'primary' or 'warn'.

<mat-slide-toggle> 使用内部的 <input type="checkbox"> 来提供无障碍性。这个内部检查框接受焦点,并自动使用 <mat-slide-toggle> 元素的文本内容作为标签。

The <mat-slide-toggle> uses an internal <input type="checkbox"> to provide an accessible experience. This internal checkbox receives focus and is automatically labelled by the text content of the <mat-slide-toggle> element.

没有文本或标签的滑块开关应该通过 aria-labelaria-labelledby 来指定一个有意义的标签。

Slide toggles without text or labels should be given a meaningful label via aria-label or aria-labelledby.