步进器 Stepper

stepper 概览

Angular Material 的步进器通过把内容拆分成一些逻辑步骤,提供了一个向导式的工作流。

Angular Material's stepper provides a wizard-like workflow by dividing content into logical steps.

Stepper overview
Fill out your name
Fill out your address

Material 步进器基于 CDK 中的步进器 —— 它负责实现驱动步进式工作流的逻辑部分。而 Material 步进器扩展了 CDK 的步进器,让它具有 Material Design 的样式。

Material stepper builds on the foundation of the CDK stepper that is responsible for the logic that drives a stepped workflow. Material stepper extends the CDK stepper and has Material Design styling.

有两个步进器组件:mat-horizontal-steppermat-vertical-stepper。 他们可以用相同方式使用,唯一的区别是步进器的方向。

There are two stepper components: mat-horizontal-stepper and mat-vertical-stepper. They can be used the same way. The only difference is the orientation of stepper.

Stepper overview
Fill out your name
Fill out your address
Stepper vertical
Fill out your name
Fill out your address

mat-horizontal-stepper 选择器用来创建水平步进器,而 mat-vertical-stepper 用来创建垂直步进器。mat-step 要放在这两种步进器组件中的任何一个中。

mat-horizontal-stepper selector can be used to create a horizontal stepper, and mat-vertical-stepper can be used to create a vertical stepper. mat-step components need to be placed inside either one of the two stepper components.

如果步进器的标签只是纯文本,那么可以使用 label 属性。

If a step's label is only text, then the label attribute can be used.

<mat-step [stepControl]="secondFormGroup" label="Fill out your address">

对于更复杂的标签,可以在 mat-stepmatStepLabel 指令中添加一个模板。

For more complex labels, add a template with the matStepLabel directive inside the mat-step.

<ng-template matStepLabel>Fill out your name</ng-template>

mat-horizontal-stepper 可以定义标签的位置。end 是默认值,而 bottom 会把它放在步骤图标的下面而不是侧面。这个行为是由 labelPosition 属性控制的。

For mat-horizontal-stepper it's possible to define the position of the label. end is the default value, while bottom will place it under the step icon instead of at its side. This behaviour is controlled by labelPosition property.

<mat-horizontal-stepper labelPosition="bottom" #stepper>


There are two button directives to support navigation between different steps: matStepperPrevious and matStepperNext.

<button mat-button matStepperPrevious>Back</button>
<button mat-button matStepperNext>Next</button>

可以设置 mat-horizontal-steppermat-vertical-stepperlinear 属性来创建线性步进器,它会要求用户必须完成了前面的步骤才能继续。 对于每个 mat-step,都可以把它的 stepControl 属性设置为一个上级 AbstractControl 来检查该步骤的有效性。

The linear attribute can be set on mat-horizontal-stepper and mat-vertical-stepper to create a linear stepper that requires the user to complete previous steps before proceeding to following steps. For each mat-step, the stepControl attribute can be set to the top level AbstractControl that is used to check the validity of the step.


There are two possible approaches. One is using a single form for stepper, and the other is using a different form for each step.

另外,如果你不想使用 Angular 的表单,也可以为每个步骤传入一个 completed 属性,在它变为 true 之前,都会阻止用户前进。 注意,如果同时设置了 completedstepControl,那么 stepControl 优先。

Alternatively, if you don't want to use the Angular forms, you can pass in the completed property to each of the steps which won't allow the user to continue until it becomes true. Note that if both completed and stepControl are set, the stepControl will take precedence.

当步进器使用单一表单时,matStepperPreviousmatStepperNext 所在的元素都应该设置为 type="button",以防止在完成了所有步骤之前提交该表单。

When using a single form for the stepper, matStepperPrevious and matStepperNext have to be set to type="button" in order to prevent submission of the form before all steps are completed.

<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
  <mat-horizontal-stepper formArrayName="formArray" linear>
    <mat-step formGroupName="0" [stepControl]="formArray.get([0])">
        <button mat-button matStepperNext type="button">Next</button>
    <mat-step formGroupName="1" [stepControl]="formArray.get([1])">
        <button mat-button matStepperPrevious type="button">Back</button>
        <button mat-button matStepperNext type="button">Next</button>
<mat-vertical-stepper linear>
  <mat-step [stepControl]="formGroup1">
    <form [formGroup]="formGroup1">
  <mat-step [stepControl]="formGroup2">
    <form [formGroup]="formGroup2">

如果线性步进器中的某个步骤不是必须完成的,可以在那个 mat-step 上设置 optional 属性。

If completion of a step in linear stepper is not required, then the optional attribute can be set on mat-step.

<mat-step [stepControl]="secondFormGroup" [optional]="isOptional">

默认情况下,每个步骤都是可编辑的,也就是说用户可以回到前一个已经完成的步骤,并编辑他们的回复。可以设置 mat-stepeditable="true" 来修改这种默认行为。

By default, steps are editable, which means users can return to previously completed steps and edit their responses. editable="false" can be set on mat-step to change the default.

<mat-step [stepControl]="firstFormGroup" [editable]="isEditable">

默认情况下,如果步骤是有效的(对于线性步进器),并且用户已经与该步骤进行过互动,那么该步骤的 completed 属性就会是 true。 不过,用户可以通过按需设置 completed 属性,来改写这种默认的 completed 行为。

By default, the completed attribute of a step returns true if the step is valid (in case of linear stepper) and the user has interacted with the step. The user, however, can also override this default completed behavior by setting the completed attribute as needed.

默认情况下,步骤头中会通过 <mat-icon> 元素来设置 Material Design 中的 createdone 图标。 如果你要提供另一个图标集,则可以为要覆盖的图标单独设置 matStepperIcon。每个步骤的 indexactiveoptional 的值都可以通过模板变量进行访问:

By default, the step headers will use the create and done icons from the Material design icon set via <mat-icon> elements. If you want to provide a different set of icons, you can do so by placing a matStepperIcon for each of the icons that you want to override. The index, active, and optional values of the individual steps are available through template variables:

<ng-template matStepperIcon="phone">
  <ng-template matStepperIcon="chat">

注意,要想提供自定义图标,你不一定非要用 mat-icon 组件。

Note that you aren't limited to using the mat-icon component when providing custom icons.


You can set the state of a step to whatever you want. The given state by default maps to an icon. However, it can be overridden the same way as mentioned above.

  <mat-step label="Step 1" state="phone">
    <p>Put down your phones.</p>
      <button mat-button matStepperNext>Next</button>
  <mat-step label="Step 2" state="chat">
    <p>Socialize with each other.</p>
      <button mat-button matStepperPrevious>Back</button>
      <button mat-button matStepperNext>Next</button>
  <mat-step label="Step 3">
    <p>You're welcome.</p>

  <!-- Icon overrides. -->
  <ng-template matStepperIcon="phone">
  <ng-template matStepperIcon="chat">

为了使用自定义的步骤状态,你必须把 displayDefaultIndicatorType 选项添加到全局的默认步进器选项中。你可以通过在应用的根模块中给 STEPPER_GLOBAL_OPTIONS 令牌提供一个值来指定它。

In order to use the custom step states, you must add the displayDefaultIndicatorType option to the global default stepper options which can be specified by providing a value for STEPPER_GLOBAL_OPTIONS in your application's root module.

  providers: [
      useValue: { displayDefaultIndicatorType: false }
Stepper with customized states
Fill out your name
Fill out your address
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Put down your phones.

如果要在用户移过一个尚未正确填写的步骤时显示错误,可以通过输入属性 errorMessage 设置错误信息。并且通过 STEPPER_GLOBAL_OPTIONS 令牌中的 showError 选项配置步进器显示错误的方式。请注意,由于 linear 步进器会阻止用户跳过无效的步骤,因此该设置不会影响标记为 linear 的步进器。

If you want to show an error when the user moved past a step that hasn't been filled out correctly, you can set the error message through the errorMessage input and configure the stepper to show errors via the showError option in the STEPPER_GLOBAL_OPTIONS injection token. Note that since linear steppers prevent a user from advancing past an invalid step to begin with, this setting will not affect steppers marked as linear.

  providers: [
      useValue: { showError: true }
Stepper that displays errors in the steps
Fill out your name
Fill out your address

Go to a different step to see the error state

By default, the stepper will render all of it's content when it's initialized. If you have some content that you want to want to defer until the particular step is opened, you can put it inside an ng-template with the matStepContent attribute.

Stepper lazy content rendering
Step 1

This content was rendered lazily

Step 2
Step 3

If your app supports a wide variety of screens and a stepper's layout doesn't fit a particular screen size, you can control its orientation dynamically to change the layout based on the viewport.

Stepper responsive
Make your screen smaller to see a vertical stepper
Fill out your name
Fill out your address
Fill out your phone number
  • LEFT_ARROW:焦点移到前一个步骤上

    LEFT_ARROW: Focuses the previous step header

  • RIGHT_ARROW:焦点移到下一个步骤上

    RIGHT_ARROW: Focuses the next step header

  • HOME: 焦点移到第一个步骤上

    HOME: Focuses the first step header

  • END: 焦点移到最后一个步骤上

    END: Focuses the last step header

  • ENTER, SPACE:选择当前拥有焦点的步骤

    ENTER, SPACE: Selects the step that the focus is currently on

  • TAB:焦点移到下一个可捕获焦点的元素上

    TAB: Focuses the next tabbable element

  • TAB+SHIFT:焦点移到上一个可捕获焦点的元素上

    SHIFT+TAB: Focuses the previous tabbable element

步进器所用的标签是通过 MatStepperIntl 提供的。要想对这些消息进行本地化,可以在应用的根模块中提供它的一个带翻译值的子类。

Labels used by the stepper are provided through MatStepperIntl. Localization of these messages can be done by providing a subclass with translated values in your application root module.

  imports: [MatStepperModule],
  providers: [
    {provide: MatStepperIntl, useClass: MyIntl},
export class MyApp {}

从无障碍性的角度看,步进器和选项卡视图是一样的,所以默认会为它指定 role="tablist"。 步骤的头可以点击,以选择该步骤,所以指定 role="tab",其内容可以在选中时展开,所以指定 role="tabpanel"。 步骤头的 aria-selected 属性和步骤内容的 aria-expanded 属性会根据其选中状态的变化进行自动设置。

The stepper is treated as a tabbed view for accessibility purposes, so it is given role="tablist" by default. The header of step that can be clicked to select the step is given role="tab", and the content that can be expanded upon selection is given role="tabpanel". aria-selected attribute of step header and aria-expanded attribute of step content is automatically set based on step selection change.

步进器和每个步骤都应该通过 aria-labelaria-labelledby 给出一个有意义的标签。

The stepper and each step should be given a meaningful label via aria-label or aria-labelledby.