表格 Table

table 概览

mat-table 提供了一个支持 Material Design 样式的表格,可用来显示多行数据。

The mat-table provides a Material Design styled data-table that can be used to display rows of data.

此表格基于 CDK 中的 data-table 构建,并在数据输入和模板上采用了相同的接口,只是它的元素选择器和属性选择器都使用 mat- 前缀,而不是 cdk- 前缀。 对于该接口的更多信息以及表格的具体实现方式,参见 CDK data-table 指南

This table builds on the foundation of the CDK data-table and uses a similar interface for its data input and template, except that its element and attribute selectors will be prefixed with mat- instead of cdk-. For more information on the interface and a detailed look at how the table is implemented, see the guide covering the CDK data-table.

Basic use of `<table mat-table>`
No. Name Weight Symbol
1 Hydrogen 1.0079 H
2 Helium 4.0026 He
3 Lithium 6.941 Li
4 Beryllium 9.0122 Be
5 Boron 10.811 B
6 Carbon 12.0107 C
7 Nitrogen 14.0067 N
8 Oxygen 15.9994 O
9 Fluorine 18.9984 F
10 Neon 20.1797 Ne

先把 <table mat-table> 组件添加到模板中,并传入数据。

Begin by adding the <table mat-table> component to your template and passing in data.

为表格提供数据的最简单方式就是给它的输入属性 dataSource 提供一个数组型数据。 该表格将会接收这个数组,并把数组型数据中的每一个对象渲染成一行。

The simplest way to provide data to the table is by passing a data array to the table's dataSource input. The table will take the array and render a row for each object in the data array.

<table mat-table [dataSource]="myDataArray">

为了优化表格的性能,它不会自动检查数组型数据的变更。而是要在每次在数据表中添加、删除或移动对象时,通过调用它的 renderRows 方法来更新表格的各行。

Since the table optimizes for performance, it will not automatically check for changes to the data array. Instead, when objects are added, removed, or moved on the data array, you can trigger an update to the table's rendered rows by calling its renderRows() method.

虽然数组是把数据绑定到数据源的最简单的方式,但它也受限最严重。对于更复杂的应用,建议使用 DataSource 实例。参见稍后的 "高级数据源" 部分了解更多。

While an array is the simplest way to bind data into the data source, it is also the most limited. For more complex applications, using a DataSource instance is recommended. See the section "Advanced data sources" below for more information.


Next, write your table's column templates.


Each column definition should be given a unique name and contain the content for its header and row cells.

下面是一个名为 'username' 的简单列定义。 表头单元格包含一个文本 "Name",每个行内单元格将会渲染出每行数据中 name 属性的值。

Here's a simple column definition with the name 'score'. The header cell contains the text "Score" and each row cell will render the score property of each row's data.

<ng-container matColumnDef="score">
  <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef> Score </th>
  <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let user"> {{user.score}} </td>


Note that the cell templates are not restricted to only showing simple string values, but are flexible and allow you to provide any template.

如果你的列只负责为表头和单元格渲染一个字符串值,可以改用 mat-text-column 来定义它。下面的列定义与上面的列定义是等价的。

If your column is only responsible for rendering a single string value for the header and cells, you can instead define your column using the mat-text-column. The following column definition is equivalent to the one above.

<mat-text-column name="score"></mat-text-column>

查看 API 文档和 mat-text-column 的例子,以了解如何自定义表头文本、文本对齐方式和单元格数据访问器。请注意,这与 flex-layout 表不兼容。此外,如果数据的属性最小化过,则应提供数据访问器,因为属性名和字符串名称在最小化后将不再匹配。

Check out the API docs and examples of the mat-text-column to see how you can customize the header text, text alignment, and cell data accessor. Note that this is not compatible with the flex-layout table. Also, a data accessor should be provided if your data may have its properties minified since the string name will no longer match after minification.


Finally, once you have defined your columns, you need to tell the table which columns will be rendered in the header and data rows.


To start, create a variable in your component that contains the list of the columns you want to render.

columnsToDisplay = ['userName', 'age'];

然后,把 mat-header-rowmat-row 作为内容添加到 mat-table 中,并提供你的列数组作为输入。

Then add mat-header-row and mat-row to the content of your mat-table and provide your column list as inputs.

<tr mat-header-row *matHeaderRowDef="columnsToDisplay"></tr>
<tr mat-row *matRowDef="let myRowData; columns: columnsToDisplay"></tr>


Note that this list of columns provided to the rows can be in any order, not necessarily the order in which you wrote the column definitions. Also, you do not necessarily have to include every column that was defined in your template.


This means that by changing your column list provided to the rows, you can easily re-order and include/exclude columns dynamically.

为表格提供数据的最简单方式是传入一个数组型数据。对于更复杂的用例,则可以从一些更灵活的方式中受益,比如使用 Observable 流,或把你的数据源逻辑封装进 DataSource 类中。

The simplest way to provide data to your table is by passing a data array. More complex use-cases may benefit from a more flexible approach involving an Observable stream or by encapsulating your data source logic into a DataSource class.

为表格提供数据的另一种方法是传入一个 Observable 流,每当它变化时都会发出一个要渲染的数组型数据。 表格会监听这个流,每当它发出新的数组型数据时,就会自动触发一次更新。

An alternative approach to providing data to the table is by passing an Observable stream that emits the data array to be rendered each time it is changed. The table will listen to this stream and automatically trigger an update to the rows each time a new data array is emitted.

对于大多数真实世界中的应用,为表格提供一个 DataSource 实例都会是管理数据的最佳方式。 DataSource 旨在封装此应用特有的排序、过滤、分页和数据接收逻辑。

For most real-world applications, providing the table a DataSource instance will be the best way to manage data. The DataSource is meant to serve as a place to encapsulate any sorting, filtering, pagination, and data retrieval logic specific to the application.

DataSource 是一个至少拥有两个函数的类:connectdisconnect。 表格会调用 connect 函数,以接收一个流,流中会发出要渲染的数组型数据。当表格销毁时,就会调用 disconnect,它是清理 connect 期间所做的各种订阅的最佳时机。

A DataSource is simply a class that has at a minimum the following methods: connect and disconnect. The connect method will be called by the table to provide an Observable that emits the data array that should be rendered. The table will call disconnect when the table is destroyed, which may be the right time to clean up any subscriptions that may have been registered in the connect method.

虽然 Angular Material 提供了现成的表格 DataSourceMatTableDataSource,但是你可能希望针对更复杂的用例创建自己的 DataSource 类。你可以用一个自定义的 DataSource 类来扩展抽象类 DataSource,然后实现其 connectdisconnect 方法。对于这些复杂用例,自定义 DataSource 必须通过扩展其他基类( MyCustomDataSource extends SomeOtherBaseClass implements DataSource )来继承其功能,以遵守 Typescript 的限制,即只能实现一个基类。

Although Angular Material provides a ready-made table DataSource class, MatTableDataSource, you may want to create your own custom DataSource class for more complex use cases. This can be done by extending the abstract DataSource class with a custom DataSource class that then implements the connect and disconnect methods. For use cases where the custom DataSource must also inherit functionality by extending a different base class, the DataSource base class can be implemented instead (MyCustomDataSource extends SomeOtherBaseClass implements DataSource) to respect Typescript's restriction to only implement one base class.

MatTable 专注于一个职责:以高效且具有无障碍性的方式执行数据渲染。

The MatTable is focused on a single responsibility: efficiently render rows of data in a performant and accessible way.


You'll notice that the table itself doesn't come out of the box with a lot of features, but expects that the table will be included in a composition of components that fills out its features.

比如,你可以把 MatSortMatPaginator 添加到表格中,以提供排序和分页特性,并根据它们的输出来修改要传给表格的数据。

For example, you can add sorting and pagination to the table by using MatSort and MatPaginator and mutating the data provided to the table according to their outputs.

对于那些可以对数组型数据进行排序、分页和过滤功能的表格,为了简化其用法,Angular Material 库自带了一个 MatTableDataSource,它已经实现了根据当前表格的状态来决定要显示哪些列的逻辑。 要给表格添加这些特性,请查看其相关部分的文档。

To simplify the use case of having a table that can sort, paginate, and filter an array of data, the Angular Material library comes with a MatTableDataSource that has already implemented the logic of determining what rows should be rendered according to the current table state. To add these feature to the table, check out their respective sections below.

要想对表格数据进行分页,请在表格后添加一个 <mat-paginator>

To paginate the table's data, add a <mat-paginator> after the table.

如果你正在用 MatTableDataSource 作为表格的数据源,那么只要把 MatPaginator 提供给这个数据源就可以了。 它将会自动监听用户所做的页码变更,并把正确分页之后的数据发给该表格。

If you are using the MatTableDataSource for your table's data source, simply provide the MatPaginator to your data source. It will automatically listen for page changes made by the user and send the right paged data to the table.

而如果你自己实现了数据分页逻辑,那就要监听该分页器的 (page) 输出,并把进行了正确的切片之后的数据发给表格。

Otherwise if you are implementing the logic to paginate your data, you will want to listen to the paginator's (page) output and pass the right slice of data to your table.

要了解使用和配置 <mat-paginator> 的更多信息,参见 mat-paginator 的文档

For more information on using and configuring the <mat-paginator>, check out the mat-paginator docs.

MatPaginator 提供了一个对表格数据进行分页的解决方案,不过它不是唯一的选项。 事实上,该表格可以和任何自定义的分页器 UI 或策略类协同工作,因为 MatTable 及其接口并没有绑死在任何特定的实现上。

The MatPaginator is one provided solution to paginating your table's data, but it is not the only option. In fact, the table can work with any custom pagination UI or strategy since the MatTable and its interface is not tied to any one specific implementation.

Table with pagination
No. Name Weight Symbol
1 Hydrogen 1.0079 H
2 Helium 4.0026 He
3 Lithium 6.941 Li
4 Beryllium 9.0122 Be
5 Boron 10.811 B
Items per page:
1 – 5 of 20

要想为表格添加排序行为,请给它添加 matSort 指令并把 mat-sort-header 指令添加到每个允许触发排序功能的表头上。

To add sorting behavior to the table, add the matSort directive to the table and add mat-sort-header to each column header cell that should trigger sorting. Note that you have to import MatSortModule in order to initialize the matSort directive (see API docs).

<!-- Name Column -->
<ng-container matColumnDef="position">
  <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef mat-sort-header> Name </th>
  <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element"> {{element.position}} </td>

如果你正在用 MatTableDataSource 作为数据源,可以把 MatSort 提供给数据源,这样它就会自动监听排序的更改,并据此修改表格中数据的排序顺序。

If you are using the MatTableDataSource for your table's data source, provide the MatSort directive to the data source and it will automatically listen for sorting changes and change the order of data rendered by the table.

默认情况下,MatTableDataSource 会假设已排序列的名称和该列所显示的属性名是一致的。比如,下面的列定义名叫 position,它和要显示在单元格中的属性名是一样的。

By default, the MatTableDataSource sorts with the assumption that the sorted column's name matches the data property name that the column displays. For example, the following column definition is named position, which matches the name of the property displayed in the row cell.

注意,如果数据属性与列名不一致,或需要更复杂的数据属性访问器,那么可以设置一个自定义的 sortingDataAccessor 函数,以覆盖 MatTableDataSource 上默认的数据访问器。

Note that if the data properties do not match the column names, or if a more complex data property accessor is required, then a custom sortingDataAccessor function can be set to override the default data accessor on the MatTableDataSource.

如果你没有使用 MatTableDataSource 而是自己实现了数据排序逻辑,那么可以监听此排序器的 (matSortChange) 事件,并根据其排序状态重新排序你的数据。 如果你要直接给表格提供一个数组型数据,别忘了调用表格的 renderRows() 函数,因为它不会自动检查对数组的修改。

If you are not using the MatTableDataSource, but instead implementing custom logic to sort your data, listen to the sort's (matSortChange) event and re-order your data according to the sort state. If you are providing a data array directly to the table, don't forget to call renderRows() on the table, since it will not automatically check the array for changes.

Table with sorting
1 Hydrogen 1.0079 H
2 Helium 4.0026 He
3 Lithium 6.941 Li
4 Beryllium 9.0122 Be
5 Boron 10.811 B
6 Carbon 12.0107 C
7 Nitrogen 14.0067 N
8 Oxygen 15.9994 O
9 Fluorine 18.9984 F
10 Neon 20.1797 Ne

要了解使用和配置排序行为的更多信息,参见 matSort 的文档

For more information on using and configuring the sorting behavior, check out the matSort docs.

MatSort 是用来排序表格数据的一个现成的解决方案,但它不是唯一的选择。 事实上,表格可以和任何一个自定义的排序 UI 或策略类协同工作,因为 MatTable 及其接口没有绑死到任何一个特定的实现。

The MatSort is one provided solution to sorting your table's data, but it is not the only option. In fact, the table can work with any custom sorting UI or strategy since the MatTable and its interface is not tied to any one specific implementation.

Angular Material 没有提供用于过滤 MatTable 的具体组件,因为没有一种简单通用的方式可以为表格数据添加过滤界面。

Angular Material does not provide a specific component to be used for filtering the MatTable since there is no single common approach to adding a filter UI to table data.


A general strategy is to add an input where users can type in a filter string and listen to this input to change what data is offered from the data source to the table.

如果你正在使用 MatTableDataSource 只要将过滤字符串提供给 MatTableDataSource 就可以了。 数据源将会把每一行数据进行缩减,并根据本行有没有包含该过滤字符串进行筛选。 默认情况下,行数据的缩减函数会把传给它的对象的所有值都连接起来,并转换成小写。

If you are using the MatTableDataSource, simply provide the filter string to the MatTableDataSource. The data source will reduce each row data to a serialized form and will filter out the row if it does not contain the filter string. By default, the row data reducing function will concatenate all the object values and convert them to lowercase.

比如,数据 {id: 123, name: 'Mr. Smith', favoriteColor: 'blue'} 将会缩减成 123mr. smithblue。 如果你的过滤字符串是 blue,那么它就是匹配的,因为它包含在缩减后的字符串中,这一行就会显示在表格中。

For example, the data object {id: 123, name: 'Mr. Smith', favoriteColor: 'blue'} will be reduced to 123mr. smithblue. If your filter string was blue then it would be considered a match because it is contained in the reduced string, and the row would be displayed in the table.

要覆盖这种默认的过滤行为,可以设置一个自定义的 filterPredicate 函数,它可以接受一个数据对象和过滤器字符串,如果认为该数据对象是匹配的,就返回 true

To override the default filtering behavior, a custom filterPredicate function can be set which takes a data object and filter string and returns true if the data object is considered a match.

如果你想在过滤器匹配不上数据时显示某种信息,可以使用 *matNoDataRow 指令。

If you want to show a message when not data matches the filter, you can use the *matNoDataRow directive.

目前,还没有对给表格添加选取界面提供正式的支持。不过 Angular Material 提供了一些组件和代码片段来支持它。 下面这些步骤是为表格添加列选择功能的解决方案之一(但不是唯一的)。

Right now there is no formal support for adding a selection UI to the table, but Angular Material does offer the right components and pieces to set this up. The following steps are one solution but it is not the only way to incorporate row selection in your table.

首先建立来自 @angular/cdk/collectionsSelectionModel,它用来维护选取状态。

Get started by setting up a SelectionModel from @angular/cdk/collections that will maintain the selection state.

const initialSelection = [];
const allowMultiSelect = true;
this.selection = new SelectionModel<MyDataType>(allowMultiSelect, initialSelection);

添加一个列定义,以显示本行的检查框,包括给标题行的主控检查框。 其列名也要添加到提供给表头和数据行的待显示列数组中。

Add a column definition for displaying the row checkboxes, including a master toggle checkbox for the header. The column name should be added to the list of displayed columns provided to the header and data row.

<ng-container matColumnDef="select">
  <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>
    <mat-checkbox (change)="$event ? masterToggle() : null"
                  [checked]="selection.hasValue() && isAllSelected()"
                  [indeterminate]="selection.hasValue() && !isAllSelected()">
  <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let row">
    <mat-checkbox (click)="$event.stopPropagation()"
                  (change)="$event ? selection.toggle(row) : null"


Implement the behavior in your component's logic to handle the header's master toggle and checking if all rows are selected.

/** Whether the number of selected elements matches the total number of rows. */
isAllSelected() {
  const numSelected = this.selection.selected.length;
  const numRows = this.dataSource.data.length;
  return numSelected == numRows;

/** Selects all rows if they are not all selected; otherwise clear selection. */
masterToggle() {
  this.isAllSelected() ?
      this.selection.clear() :
      this.dataSource.data.forEach(row => this.selection.select(row));

最后,调整选取列的样式,让它的 overflow 不是 hidden。这样就可以让涟漪效果延伸到单元格之外。

Finally, adjust the styling for the select column so that its overflow is not hidden. This allows the ripple effect to extend beyond the cell.

.mat-column-select {
  overflow: initial;


A footer row can be added to the table by adding a footer row definition to the table and adding footer cell templates to column definitions. The footer row will be rendered after the rendered data rows.

<ng-container matColumnDef="cost">
  <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef> Cost </th>
  <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let data"> {{data.cost}} </td>
  <td mat-footer-cell *matFooterCellDef> {{totalCost}} </td>


<tr mat-header-row *matHeaderRowDef="columnsToDisplay"></tr>
<tr mat-row *matRowDef="let myRowData; columns: columnsToDisplay"></tr>
<tr mat-footer-row *matFooterRowDef="columnsToDisplay"></tr>

通过使用 position: sticky 样式,可以固定住表格的某些行和列,这样它们在滚动时就不会离开视野。 表格所提供的输入属性将会自动应用正确的 CSS 样式,以便这些行和列能被钉住。

By using position: sticky styling, the table's rows and columns can be fixed so that they do not leave the viewport even when scrolled. The table provides inputs that will automatically apply the correct CSS styling so that the rows and columns become sticky.

要想把表头行固定到包含此表格的视野顶部,你可以给 matHeaderRowDef 添加输入属性 sticky

In order to fix the header row to the top of the scrolling viewport containing the table, you can add a sticky input to the matHeaderRowDef.

同样的,我们也可以钉住表格的表尾。注意,如果你正在使用原生的 <table> 和 Safari,那么只有当所有的尾行都带有 sticky 的时候,表尾才会被钉住。

Similarly, this can also be applied to the table's footer row. Note that if you are using the native <table> and using Safari, then the footer will only stick if sticky is applied to all the rendered footer rows.

还可以把一些列的单元格固定在水平滚动视图的头部和尾部,只要把 stickystickyEnd 指令添加到 ng-container 的列定义上就可以了。

It is also possible to fix cell columns to the start or end of the horizontally scrolling viewport. To do this, add the sticky or stickyEnd directive to the ng-container column definition.

该特性受到 Chrome、Firefox、Safari 和 Edge 的支持。IE 不支持它,但它会优雅的失败,其后果只是那些列没有钉住而已。

This feature is supported by Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. It is not supported in IE, but it does fail gracefully so that the rows simply do not stick.

注意,在移动版的 Safari 上,如果使用 Flex 布局的表格,当滚动时,钉在多于一个方向的单元格将难以保持在正确的位置上。 比如,如果表头钉在顶部,而且第一列也钉住了,那么当滚动时,其左上角的单元格将会不断抖动。

Note that on Safari mobile when using the flex-based table, a cell stuck in more than one direction will struggle to stay in the correct position as you scroll. For example, if a header row is stuck to the top and the first column is stuck, then the top-left-most cell will appear jittery as you scroll.

此外,在一些特殊情况下,Edge 中的定位也会不稳定。比如,如果滚动容器具有复杂的阴影而且还有兄弟元素,那么钉住的单元格就会抖动。 这里是 Edge 上关于此问题的 Issue

Also, sticky positioning in Edge will appear shaky for special cases. For example, if the scrolling container has a complex box shadow and has sibling elements, the stuck cells will appear jittery. There is currently an open issue with Edge to resolve this.

当使用 multiTemplateDataRows 指令以支持让每个数据对象对应多行时,*matRowDef 中使用同一个上下文,不过其 index 值要换成 dataIndexrenderIndex

When using the multiTemplateDataRows directive to support multiple rows for each data object, the context of *matRowDef is the same except that the index value is replaced by dataIndex and renderIndex.

不带文本或标签的表格应该通过 aria-labelaria-labelledby 给出一个有意义的标签。如果没有设置过 aria-readonly,则默认为 true

Tables without text or labels should be given a meaningful label via aria-label or aria-labelledby. The aria-readonly defaults to true if it's not set.

表格的默认角色是 grid,可以通过 role 属性来把它改为 treegrid

Table's default role is grid, and it can be changed to treegrid through role attribute.

mat-table 自己不会管理任何焦点/键盘交互。开发者可以在应用中按需添加焦点/键盘交互。

mat-table does not manage any focus/keyboard interaction on its own. Users can add desired focus/keyboard interactions in their application.

MatTable 不要求你使用原生 HTML 表格,所以你可以用另一种基于 display: flex 的方式来控制表格的样式。

The MatTable does not require that you use a native HTML table. Instead, you can use an alternative approach that uses display: flex for the table's styles.

这种方式把原生的 table 元素标记替换成 MatTable 指令的选择器。 比如 <table mat-table> 变成了 <mat-table><tr mat-row> 变成了 <mat-row>。下面的例子用这种方式改写了以前的例子:

This alternative approach replaces the native table element tags with the MatTable directive selectors. For example, <table mat-table> becomes <mat-table>; <tr mat-row> becomes <mat-row>. The following shows a previous example using this alternative template:

<mat-table [dataSource]="dataSource">
  <!-- User name Definition -->
  <ng-container matColumnDef="username">
    <mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef> User name </mat-header-cell>
    <mat-cell *matCellDef="let row"> {{row.username}} </mat-cell>

  <!-- Age Definition -->
  <ng-container matColumnDef="age">
    <mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef> Age </mat-header-cell>
    <mat-cell *matCellDef="let row"> {{row.age}} </mat-cell>

  <!-- Title Definition -->
  <ng-container matColumnDef="title">
    <mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef> Title </mat-header-cell>
    <mat-cell *matCellDef="let row"> {{row.title}} </mat-cell>

  <!-- Header and Row Declarations -->
  <mat-header-row *matHeaderRowDef="['username', 'age', 'title']"></mat-header-row>
  <mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: ['username', 'age', 'title']"></mat-row>

注意,这种方法意味着你不能使用某些原生表格的专属特性,比如 colspan/rowspan 或一些能根据其内容自动调整自身大小的列。

Note that this approach means you cannot include certain native-table features such colspan/rowspan or have columns that resize themselves based on their content.