徽章 Badge

badge 概览

徽章是对 UI 元素的小型状态描述器。徽章包括一个小圆圈,通常还包括一个数字或一组其它短字符。 徽章通常会出现在另一个对象附近。

Badges are small status descriptors for UI elements. A badge consists of a small circle, typically containing a number or other short set of characters, that appears in proximity to another object.


Badges must always be applied to block-level elements.

Badge overview

Text with a badge4

Text with large badge1

Button with a badge on the left

Button toggles badge visibility

Icon with a badge Example with a home icon with overlaid badge showing the number 15

默认情况下,徽章会出现在右上方(above after)。要修改此方位,可以定义 matBadgePosition 属性,并将其赋值为 above|belowbefore|after 的组合。

By default, the badge will be placed above after. The direction can be changed by defining the attribute matBadgePosition follow by above|below and before|after.

<button mat-raised-button color="primary"
    matBadge="8" matBadgePosition="before" matBadgeColor="accent">

还可以用 matBadgeOverlap 属性来定义此徽章与其内容的重叠度。 通常,你会希望徽章与图标重叠,而不要与文本重叠。默认情况下它会重叠。

The overlap of the badge in relation to its inner contents can also be defined using the matBadgeOverlap tag. Typically, you want the badge to overlap an icon and not a text phrase. By default it will overlap.

<span matBadge="4" matBadgeOverlap="false">Text with a badge</span>

徽章有三种尺寸:small(小)、medium(中)和 large(大)。默认情况下,徽章尺寸是 medium。 你可以在宿主元素上添加 matBadgeSize 属性来改变徽章尺寸。

The badge has 3 sizes: small, medium and large. By default, the badge is set to medium. You can change the size by adding matBadgeSize to the host element.

<span matBadge="1" matBadgeSize="large">Text with large badge</span>

徽章的可见性可以通过定义 matBadgeHidden 属性来在程序控制下进行切换。

The badge visibility can be toggled programmatically by defining matBadgeHidden.

<button mat-raised-button matBadge="7" [matBadgeHidden]="hidden" (click)="toggleBadgeVisibility()">

徽章可以通过把 matBadgeColor 属性设置为 primaryaccentwarn 之一来指定在它当前主题下的背景色。

Badges can be colored in terms of the current theme using the matBadgeColor property to set the background color to primary, accent, or warn.

<mat-icon matBadge="15" matBadgeColor="warn">home</mat-icon>

徽章应该通过 matBadgeDescription 来给出一个有意义的描述信息。该描述信息将会通过 aria-describedby 属性应用到 matBadge 所修饰的元素上。

Badges should be given a meaningful description via matBadgeDescription. This description will be applied, via aria-describedby to the element decorated by matBadge.

当给 <mat-icon> 添加徽章时,一定要知道一点:此图标默认是标记为 aria-hidden 的。 如果要通过图标和徽章的组合表达某些信息,那么该信息就要通过其它方式表现出来。欲知详情,参见指示器图标的指南

When applying a badge to a <mat-icon>, it is important to know that the icon is marked as aria-hidden by default. If the combination of icon and badge communicates some meaningful information, that information should be surfaced in another way. See the guidance on indicator icons for more information.