
tree 概览

<cdk-tree> 让开发人员能够为结构化数据构建自定义的树型体验。<cdk-tree> 为构建其它特性提供了基础,比如对树进行过滤。对于 Material Design 风格的树,参见基于 <cdk-tree> 构建的 <mat-tree>

The <cdk-tree> enables developers to build a customized tree experience for structured data. The <cdk-tree> provides a foundation to build other features such as filtering on top of tree. For a Material Design styled tree, see <mat-tree> which builds on top of the <cdk-tree>.

树有两种类型:扁平树和嵌套树。这两种树的 DOM 结构是不同的。

There are two types of trees: flat tree and nested Tree. The DOM structures are different for these two types of trees.

Tree with flat nodes

在扁平树中,其层次结构是扁平的,这些节点并没有渲染在其它节点内部,而是依次渲染兄弟节点。TreeFlattener 的实例用于从带层次结构的数据中生成一个扁平的条目列表。每个树节点的“级别”都是通过 getLevel 方法读取的。这种级别可用来为节点设置样式,以便让其显示出有合适的缩进级别。

In a flat tree, the hierarchy is flattened; nodes are not rendered inside of each other, but instead are rendered as siblings in sequence. An instance of TreeFlattener is used to generate the flat list of items from hierarchical data. The "level" of each tree node is read through the getLevel method of the TreeControl; this level can be used to style the node such that it is indented to the appropriate level.

  <cdk-tree-node> parent node </cdk-tree-node>
  <cdk-tree-node> -- child node1 </cdk-tree-node>
  <cdk-tree-node> -- child node2 </cdk-tree-node>


Flat trees are generally easier to style and inspect. They are also more friendly to scrolling variations, such as infinite or virtual scrolling.

Tree with nested nodes

对于嵌套树,在 DOM 树中的子节点会放在父节点内部。父节点包含一个用于投射(project)子节点内容的节点出口。

In nested tree, children nodes are placed inside their parent node in DOM. The parent node contains a node outlet into which children are projected.

    parent node
    <cdk-nested-tree-node> -- child node1 </cdk-nested-tree-node>
    <cdk-nested-tree-node> -- child node2 </cdk-nested-tree-node>


Nested trees are easier to work with when hierarchical relationships are visually represented in ways that would be difficult to accomplish with flat nodes.

唯一需要定义的是树节点模板。有两种类型的树节点,对于扁平树有 <cdk-tree-node>,对于嵌套树有 <cdk-tree-nested-node>。树节点的模板定义了树节点的外观、展开/折叠控件以及用来嵌套子节点的结构。

The only thing you need to define is the tree node template. There are two types of tree nodes, <cdk-tree-node> for flat tree and <cdk-tree-nested-node> for nested tree. The tree node template defines the look of the tree node, expansion/collapsing control and the structure for nested children nodes.

任何带 cdkNodeDef 的元素都会指定一个节点定义。该指令会导出要在节点模板中的各个绑定所需的节点数据。

A node definition is specified via any element with cdkNodeDef. This directive exports the node data to be used in any bindings in the node template.

<cdk-tree-node *cdkNodeDef="let node">
  {{node.key}}: {{node.value}}

扁平树使用每个节点的 level 来渲染节点的层次结构。指定节点的“缩进(indent)”是通过根据每个节点的级别为其增加间距来完成的。可以通过应用 cdkNodePadding 指令或自定义样式来添加间距。

Flat tree uses each node's level to render the hierarchy of the nodes. The "indent" for a given node is accomplished by adding spacing to each node based on its level. Spacing can be added either by applying the cdkNodePadding directive or by applying custom styles.

当使用嵌套树节点时,该节点模板中必须包含一个 cdkTreeNodeOutlet,用于标记该节点的子节点要渲染到的位置。

When using nested tree nodes, the node template must contain a cdkTreeNodeOutlet, which marks where the children of the node will be rendered.

<cdk-nested-tree-node *cdkNodeDef="let node">
  <ng-container cdkTreeNodeOutlet></ng-container>

可以在这个树节点模板中添加 cdkTreeNodeToggle 来展开/折叠此节点。这个切换开关切换了 TreeControl 的 expand/collapse 函数,还可以把 [cdkTreeNodeToggleRecursive] 设置为 true 来递归展开/折叠某个树节点。

A cdkTreeNodeToggle can be added in the tree node template to expand/collapse the tree node. The toggle toggles the expand/collapse functions in TreeControl and is able to expand/collapse a tree node recursively by setting [cdkTreeNodeToggleRecursive] to true.

<cdk-tree-node *cdkNodeDef="let node" cdkTreeNodeToggle [cdkTreeNodeToggleRecursive]="true">

这个切换开关可以放在树节点中的任意位置,而且只能通过点击动作进行切换。为了获得最佳的无障碍性,cdkTreeNodeToggle 应该放在一个 button 元素上,并拥有一个合适的 aria-label

The toggle can be placed anywhere in the tree node, and is only toggled by click action. For best accessibility, cdkTreeNodeToggle should be on a button element and have an appropriate aria-label.

<cdk-tree-node *cdkNodeDef="let node">
  <button cdkTreeNodeToggle aria-label="toggle tree node" [cdkTreeNodeToggleRecursive]="true">

cdkTreeNodePadding 可以放在扁平树的节点模板中,以显示扁平树节点的级别信息。

The cdkTreeNodePadding can be placed in a flat tree's node template to display the level information of a flat tree node.

<cdk-tree-node *cdkNodeDef="let node" cdkNodePadding>

嵌套树不需要这种衬距,因为 padding 可以很容易地添加到 DOM 中的层次结构上。

Nested tree does not need this padding since padding can be easily added to the hierarchy structure in DOM.

树可以包括多个节点模板,并通过模板的 when 谓词为特定的数据节点选择模板。

The tree may include multiple node templates, where a template is chosen for a particular data node via the when predicate of the template.

<cdk-tree-node *cdkNodeDef="let node" cdkTreeNodePadding>
<cdk-tree-node *cdkNodeDef="let node; when: isSpecial" cdkTreeNodePadding>
  [ A special node {{node.value}} ]

类似于 cdk-table,数据也通过 DataSource 提供给树。当树接收到一个 DataSource 时,就会调用数据源的 connect() 方法,该方法返回一个发出数组型数据的可观察对象。只要数据源向此流中发出数据,该树就会渲染出这些更新。

Similar to cdk-table, data is provided to the tree through a DataSource. When the tree receives a DataSource it will call its connect() method which returns an observable that emits an array of data. Whenever the data source emits data to this stream, the tree will render an update.

由于数据源提供了这个流,因此它要负责切换树的更新。这可以来源于任何事:树节点的展开状态变化了、websocket 连接、用户交互、模型更新、基于时间间隔等。

Because the data source provides this stream, it bears the responsibility of toggling tree updates. This can be based on anything: tree node expansion change, websocket connections, user interaction, model updates, time-based intervals, etc.


The flat tree data source is responsible for the node expansion/collapsing events, since when the expansion status changes, the data nodes feed to the tree are changed. A new list of visible nodes should be sent to tree component based on current expansion status.


The data source for nested tree has an option to leave the node expansion/collapsing event for each tree node component to handle.

为了提高性能,可以为树提供一个类似于 Angular 的 ngFor trackByngFor trackBy 指令。这会告诉树要如何唯一地标识节点,以跟踪每次更新时数据的变化情况。

To improve performance, a trackBy function can be provided to the tree similar to Angular’s ngFor trackBy. This informs the tree how to uniquely identify nodes to track how the data changes with each update.

<cdk-tree [dataSource]="dataSource" [treeControl]="treeControl" [trackBy]="trackByFn">