滚动 Scrolling

scrolling 概览

这个 scrolling 包为那些要对滚动事件做出反应的指令提供了辅助设施。

The scrolling package provides helpers for directives that react to scroll events.

cdkScrollable 指令和 ScrollDispatcher 服务一起让组件能对其任意上级滚动容器中的滚动事件做出反应。

The cdkScrollable directive and the ScrollDispatcher service together allow components to react to scrolling in any of its ancestor scrolling containers.

要把 cdkScrollable 指令应用在任何充当滚动容器的元素上。这会把该元素标记为 Scrollable 并把它注册到 ScrollDispatcher 中。这时派发器允许组件分享这些事件监听器和应用中所有可滚动容器的知识。

The cdkScrollable directive should be applied to any element that acts as a scrolling container. This marks the element as a Scrollable and registers it with the ScrollDispatcher. The dispatcher, then, allows components to share both event listeners and knowledge of all of the scrollable containers in the application.

ViewportRuler 是一种可注入的服务,用于衡量浏览器视口的范围。

The ViewportRuler is a service that can be injected and used to measure the bounds of the browser viewport.

<cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport> 通过仅仅渲染那些屏幕上可见的条目,来高效的显示大型列表。在任何浏览器中加载数百个元素都会很慢,虚拟滚动可以用一种高效的方式模拟渲染全部条目,方法是让容器元素的高度与要渲染的元素的总高度相同,然后才渲染视图中的条目。虚拟滚动不同于无限滚动这样的策略,它会渲染一定数量的元素,然后在你点击两端时渲染剩下的元素。

The <cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport> displays large lists of elements performantly by only rendering the items that fit on-screen. Loading hundreds of elements can be slow in any browser; virtual scrolling enables a performant way to simulate all items being rendered by making the height of the container element the same as the height of total number of elements to be rendered, and then only rendering the items in view. Virtual scrolling is different from strategies like infinite scroll where it renders a set amount of elements and then when you hit the end renders the rest.

*cdkVirtualFor 替换了 <cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport> 中的 *ngFor,它支持与 *ngFor 完全相同的 API。最简单的用法就是指定条目列表(注意,必须在视口中设置 itemSize 属性):

*cdkVirtualFor replaces *ngFor inside of a <cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport>, supporting the exact same API as *ngFor. The simplest usage just specifies the list of items (note that the itemSize property on the viewport must be set):

Basic virtual scroll
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*cdkVirtualFor 让模板中可以使用这些上下文变量:

*cdkVirtualFor makes the following context variables available to the template:


Context variable





The index of the item in the data source.



The total number of items in the data source.



Whether this is the first item in the data source.



Whether this is the last item in the data source.


index 是否为偶数。

Whether the index is even.


index 是否为奇数。

Whether the index is odd.


All of these apply to the index of the item in the data source, not the index in the rendered portion of the data.

Virtual scroll context variables
Item: Item #0
Index: 0
Count: 100000
First: Yes
Last: No
Even: Yes
Odd: No
Item: Item #1
Index: 1
Count: 100000
First: No
Last: No
Even: No
Odd: Yes
Item: Item #2
Index: 2
Count: 100000
First: No
Last: No
Even: Yes
Odd: No
Item: Item #3
Index: 3
Count: 100000
First: No
Last: No
Even: No
Odd: Yes

*ngFortrackBy 一样,这里也可以指定 trackBy 函数,工作方式也都一样。传给这个 trackByindex 是在数据源中的索引,而不是在要渲染的这部分数据中的索引。

A trackBy function can be specified and works the same as the *ngFor trackBy. The index passed to the tracking function will be the index in the data source, not the index in the rendered portion.

为了提高渲染性能, *cdkVirtualFor 会缓存那些曾经创建过但不再需要的视图。当要创建一个新视图时,会转而复用一个已缓存的视图。可以通过 templateCacheSize 属性来调整视图缓存的大小。把这个大小设置为 0 会禁用缓存。如果你的模板在内存方面很昂贵,你可能会希望减小这个数字,以免在模板缓存上花费太多内存。

To improve rendering performance, *cdkVirtualFor caches previously created views after they are no longer needed. When a new view would normally be created, a cached view is reused instead. The size of the view cache can be adjusted via the templateCacheSize property; setting this size to 0 disables caching. If your templates are expensive in terms of memory you may wish to reduce this number to avoid spending too much memory on the template cache.

Virtual scroll with no template caching
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*cdkVirtualFor 接受来自 ArrayObservable<Array>DataSource 的数据。虚拟滚动的 DataSource 与表格和树组件所用的 DataSource 是同一个。 DataSource 只是一个抽象类,它有两个方法:connectdisconnect。虚拟滚动视口将调用这个 connect 方法,以接收一个流,这个流会发出要渲染的数据数组。当 viewport 被销毁时,视口会调用 disconnect,这可能是清理连接过程中注册进来的所有订阅的最佳时机。

*cdkVirtualFor accepts data from an Array, Observable<Array>, or DataSource. The DataSource for the virtual scroll is the same one used by the table and tree components. A DataSource is simply an abstract class that has two methods: connect and disconnect. The connect method will be called by the virtual scroll viewport to receive a stream that emits the data array that should be rendered. The viewport will call disconnect when the viewport is destroyed, which may be the right time to clean up any subscriptions that were registered during the connect process.

Virtual scroll with a custom data source
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当所有条目都是固定大小时,你可以使用 FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy。可以用 itemSize 指令轻松地将它添加到视口中。这种约束的优点是它可以提供更好的性能,因为在渲染条目时不需要进行测量。

When all items are the same fixed size, you can use the FixedSizeVirtualScrollStrategy. This can be easily added to your viewport using the itemSize directive. The advantage of this constraint is that it allows for better performance, since items do not need to be measured as they are rendered.

固定大小的策略也支持设置一些缓冲区参数,用来决定渲染多少额外内容,也就是视口可见内容之外的部分。第一个参数是 minBufferPxminBufferPx 是视口必须渲染的最小内容缓冲区数量(以像素为单位)。如果视口检测到要缓冲的内容小于这个数量(未填满),就会立即渲染更多内容。 第二个参数是 maxBufferPx。它会告诉视口当检测到需要更多缓冲区的时候要渲染多少个备用缓冲区空间。

The fixed size strategy also supports setting a couple of buffer parameters that determine how much extra content is rendered beyond what is visible in the viewport. The first of these parameters is minBufferPx. The minBufferPx is the minimum amount of content buffer (in pixels) that the viewport must render. If the viewport ever detects that there is less buffered content it will immediately render more. The second buffer parameter is maxBufferPx. This tells the viewport how much buffer space to render back up to when it detects that more buffer is required.

这两个缓冲区参数的作用可以用一个例子来说明。假设我们有以下参数:itemSize = 50minBufferPx = 100maxBufferPx = 250。当用户滚动浏览内容时,视口就会检测到只剩下 90px 的缓冲区。由于它小于 minBufferPx,所以视口必须渲染更多缓冲区。它必须渲染足够数量的缓冲区,直到其大于等于 maxBufferPx。在这种情况下,它渲染了 4 个条目(额外的 200px),使缓冲区总大小达到 290px,略高于 maxBufferPx

The interaction of these two buffer parameters can be best illustrated with an example. Supposed that we have the following parameters: itemSize = 50, minBufferPx = 100, maxBufferPx = 250. As the user is scrolling through the content the viewport detects that there is only 90px of buffer remaining. Since this is below minBufferPx the viewport must render more buffer. It must render at least enough buffer to get back to maxBufferPx. In this case, it renders 4 items (an additional 200px) to bring the total buffer size to 290px, back above maxBufferPx.

Fixed size virtual scroll with custom buffer parameters
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其他虚拟滚动策略可以通过扩展 VirtualScrollStrategy 来实现。目前正在 @angular/cdk-experimental 开发一种适用于不同大小元素的自动调整策略,但还没有准备好用于生产环境。

Other virtual scrolling strategies can be implemented by extending VirtualScrollStrategy. An autosize strategy that works on elements of differing sizes is currently being developed in @angular/cdk-experimental, but it is not ready for production use yet.

虚拟滚动视口默认为垂直方向,也可以设置为 orientation="horizontal"。在改变方向时,要确保该条目是用 CSS 进行水平布局的。要做到这一点,你可能希望把 .cdk-virtual-scroll-content-wrapper 类作为 CSS 的目标,它是包含待渲染内容的包装元素。

The virtual-scroll viewport defaults to a vertical orientation, but can also be set to orientation="horizontal". When changing the orientation, ensure that the item are laid out horizontally via CSS. To do this you may want to target CSS at .cdk-virtual-scroll-content-wrapper which is the wrapper element that contains the rendered content.

Horizontal virtual scroll
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某些 HTML 元素(如 <tr><li>)对它们所在的父元素种类有一些限制。要想对这些类型的元素进行虚拟滚动操作,就要把它们放在合适的父元素中,然后把它们共同包装在 cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport 中。注意,父组件中不要引入额外的空白区(比如通过 marginpadding),因为这样会干扰滚动。

Some HTML elements such as <tr> and <li> have limitations on the kinds of parent elements they can be placed inside. To enable virtual scrolling over these type of elements, place the elements in their proper parent, and then wrap the whole thing in a cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport. Be careful that the parent does not introduce additional space (e.g. via margin or padding) as it will interfere with the scrolling.

Virtual scrolling `<dl>`
Little Rock

为了确定整个内容的大小以及它在任何时刻需要实际渲染的内容,视口依赖于所提供的一个 VirtualScrollStrategy。提供它的最简单方式是在视口上使用 itemSize 指令(例如 <cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport itemSize="50">)。但是,也可以通过创建一个实现 VirtualScrollStrategy 接口的类来提供自定义策略,并在包含此视口的组件上把它提供为 VIRTUAL_SCROLL_STRATEGY

In order to determine how large the overall content is and what portion of it actually needs to be rendered at any given time the viewport relies on a VirtualScrollStrategy being provided. The simplest way to provide it is to use the itemSize directive on the viewport (e.g. <cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport itemSize="50">). However it is also possible to provide a custom strategy by creating a class that implements the VirtualScrollStrategy interface and providing it as the VIRTUAL_SCROLL_STRATEGY on the component containing your viewport.

Virtual scroll with a custom strategy
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