纵深助手 Elevation helpers


Applying Elevation

Material Design 规范提供了关于如何通过添加阴影在 UI 元素上表达纵深的指导。 Angular Material 提供了一些 CSS 类和 Sass mixins,用来添加这些阴影。

The Material Design specification gives guidance on expressing elevation on UI elements by adding shadows. Angular Material provides CSS classes and Sass mixins for adding these shadows.

主题指南中所讲的 core-theme Sass mixin,会生成用于控制纵深的 CSS 类。这些类遵循统一的模式 mat-elevation-z# ,其中 # 是你想用的纵深数字,范围从 0 到 24。这些预定义的类使用 Material Design 规范定义的 box-shadow 设置。

The core-theme Sass mixin, described in the [theming guide][], emits CSS classes for applying elevation. These classes follow the pattern mat-elevation-z#, where # is the elevation number you want, from 0 to 24. These predefined classes use the CSS box-shadow settings defined by the Material Design specification.

你可以通过更换纵深 CSS 类来动态更改元素的纵深。

You can dynamically change elevation on an element by swapping elevation CSS classes.

<div [class.mat-elevation-z2]="!isActive" [class.mat-elevation-z8]="isActive"></div>
Elevation CSS classes

除了预定义的 CSS 类之外,你还可以使用 elevation Sass mixin 来应用纵深样式。此 mixin 接受 $zValue 和可选的 $color 参数。$zValue 是一个从 0 到 24 的数字,代表元素的语义化纵深,它会控制盒子阴影的强度。你可以使用 $color 参数进一步自定义阴影外观。

In addition to the predefined CSS classes, you can apply elevation styles using the elevation Sass mixin. This mixin accepts a $zValue and an optional $color. The $zValue is a number from 0 to 24, representing the semantic elevation of the element, that controls the intensity of the box-shadow. You can use the $color parameter to further customize the shadow appearance.

@use '~@angular/material' as mat;

.my-class-with-default-shadow {
    // Adds a shadow for elevation level 2 with default color and full opacity:
    @include mat.elevation(2);

.my-class-with-custom-shadow {
    // Adds a shadow for elevation level 2 with color #e91e63 and 80% of the default opacity:
    @include mat.elevation(2, #e91e63, 0.8);

在创作组件时,你可能需要指定一个默认纵深,而组件的使用者可以覆盖它。你可以使用 overridable-elevation Sass Mixin 来完成此操作。此行为与 elevation mixin 的行为相同,但是这些样式只有在元素上没有符合 mat-elevation-z# 模式的 CSS 类时才适用,如上面的纵深 CSS 类中所述。

When authoring a component, you may want to specify a default elevation that the component consumer can override. You can accomplish this by using the overridable-elevation Sass mixin. This behaves identically to the elevation mixin, except that the styles only apply when the element does not have a CSS class matching the pattern mat-elevation-z#, as described in Elevation CSS classes above.

你可以使用 elevation-transition Mixin 来添加纵深变化时的转场动画。

You can use the elevation-transition mixin to add a transition when elevation changes.

@use '~@angular/material' as mat;

.my-class {
    @include mat.elevation-transition();
    @include mat.elevation(2);

    &:active {
        @include mat.elevation(8);